Birmingham & District Dobermann Club
Established 1979
Style A - Standard
Style B - Bespoke Single
Your Dogs
Image Here
Your Dogs
Image Here
Your Dogs
Image Here
Style C - Bespoke Single with Name

Your Dogs
Image Here
Style D - Bespoke Double
Your 2 Dogs
Images Here
Birmingham & District Dobermann Club
in partnership with Westfield Metalcrafts
We are delighted to bring you these stunning Dobermann inspired décor pieces which are designed to hang in your garden but beautiful enough to take pride of place in your home.
With the truly unique option of having your own dogs’ profile image used on the bespoke items; what better way to remember a beloved Champion or great companion & friend? AND...it doesn’t have to be a Dobermann! Our wonderful friends at Westfield can reproduce from a good profile image of most dogs; they can even add their name or your affix beneath it!
All of their pieces are lovingly handmade to order from 2mm mild steel, hand finished with high quality black exterior paint for longevity and available with or without hanging chain. Each standard piece is 30cm diameter but also available in 10cm increments up to 100cm diameter!
(A) Standard ~ £ 40.00 each
(B) Bespoke Single ~ £ 45.00 each
(C) Bespoke Single with Name ~ £ 48.00 each
(D) Bespoke Double ~ £ 48.00 each
(Prices for non-standard sizes available upon request.)
P&P to UK addresses is included; delivery is within 3 weeks.
If you order a bespoke item, we will forward your file images/names & our friends at Westfield will send a proof back to you for approval.
In the kindest of gestures, Dawn of Westfield Metalcrafts is donating 10% of all purchases made via our Club to our Rescue Fund!!
So... treat yourself (or someone else!) to a superb piece of
Dobermann art or push the boat out & immortalise your best
friend to hang in pride of place & be the envy of all your doggie
friends whilst helping our rescue dobes!
(PS Don’t forget to share this with your non-dobie friends too!)
To place an order, drop us an email here & we'll be
back in touch!
Throughout the year, the committee of the Birmingham & District Dobermann Club try to devise many ways of parting you from your hard earned cash so that we can help those less fortunate of our breed who end up in rescue, often sadly, through no fault of their own.
Our members and exhibitors show wonderful generosity and many round up their subscriptions and entry fees with the extra going into the 'pot' which is distributed at the end of the year.
And all those wonderful raffle prizes at our shows...well, you have to thank the committee and our helpers who dig deep into their spare bedrooms to find these gems that are donated and then subsequently raffled with all of the proceeds helping our poor dobie friends.
The Club itself also makes an annual donation to the pot of £ 200.00 and for the past several years, the Club has sent forward donations of around £1,000 each winter to our breed rescue organisations.
If you have any fundraising ideas, or items to donate to be raffled, then please pass them onto a committee member...we're very grateful and "thank you" for helping us to help them.
Help us to help them...