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May Shows Cancelled

Following the release of the 'roadmap out of Covid' on Monday from the UK Government, it became apparent that we could not continue with our plans to hold our combined re-scheduled 2020 Champ show & Open show on May 9th as we had planned.

Furthermore, the committee have decided to abandon attempting to re-schedule this show again during 2021 as we feel we cannot do so with any certainty and will therefore concentrate our efforts on our forthcoming Championship show in October.

All appointed judges have been offered alternative appointments and we are delighted that they have accepted. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our judges, helpers, members & exhibitors for your understanding and support of the very difficult decisions we have had to take whilst trying to work our way through these unprecedented times; what we felt was a very tough 2021, has turned out to be an even tougher start to 2021. We truly hope that a corner has been turned now with the vaccine roll-out and that, in the very near future, we can all go back to doing the things we love.

We look forward to seeing you all in the not too distant future.


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